Dr. Rachel M. Patangan
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology, Philippines
patanganrachel@gmail.com _______________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Algebraic Structures
2. BCK-Algebra
3. Algebraic Graph Theory |
Professor A. T. Guroglu
Department of Mathematics, Celal Bayar University, Turkey
tugba.guroglu@cbu.edu.tr ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Leavitt Path Algebras
2. Rings and Modules |
Professor Ayman R. Badawi
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
https://www.aus.edu/faculty/ayman-badawi ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Commutative Ring Theory
2. Graphs from Rings |
Professor Burcu Nisanci Turkmen
Department of Mathematics, Amasya University, Turkey
https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/@burcun ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Ring and Module Theory
2. Homological Algebra |
Professor Fujio Kubo
Professor Emeritus of Hiroshima University, Japan
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fujio-Kubo ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Nonassociative Algebras
2. Algebraic Deformation Theory |
Professor Giulio Peruginelli
Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy
https://www.math.unipd.it/~gperugin/SitoWeb/cvItaPeruginelli.pdf ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Commutative Algebra
2. Commutative Rings
3. Algebraic Number Theory |
Professor Gurninder Singh Sandhu
Department of Mathematics, Patel Memorial National College, India
gurninder_rs@pbi.ac.in ________________________________________________
1. Rings with Derivations
2. Involutive Rings and Algebras
3. Generalized Polynomial Identities |
Professor Istvan Gaal [Editor-in-Chief (Academic)]
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Debrecen, Hungary
gaal.istvan @unideb.hu
https://scholar.google.hu/citations?user=_EoPkcoAAAAJ&hl=en ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Number Theory
2. Commutative Ring
3. Algebraic Geometry |
Professor Jose Rios Montes
Instituto de Matematicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
http://matematicos.matem.unam.mx/matematicos-r-z/matematicos-r/jose-rios ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Ring and Module Theory |
Professor Liangyun Chen
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Normal University, China
chenly640@nenu.edu.cn ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Lie Algebra
2. Novkov Algebra
3. Lie Triple System |
Professor Mihran Papikian
Department Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University, USA
http://personal.psu.edu/mup17/ ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Algebraic Number Theory
2. Arithmetic Geometry |
Professor Qing-Wen Wang
Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, China
https://www.scicol.shu.edu.cn/PDF/WangQingWen.htm ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Linear Algebra
2. Matrix Theory
3. Operator Algebra |
Professor Selvaraj Chelliah
Department of Mathematics, Periyar University, India
https://periyaruniversity.irins.org/profile/43452 ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Ring Theory
2. Homological Algebra
3. Representation Theory |
Professor Taras Goy
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine
https://kdrpm.pnu.edu.ua/en/goy-taras/ ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Number Theory
2. Linear and Multilinear Algebra
3. Matrix Theory |
Professor Teerapong Suksumran
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
teerapong.suksumran@cmu.ac.th ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Group Theory and Generalizations |
Professor Yang Zhang
Department of Mathematics, University of Manitoba, Canada
https://server.math.umanitoba.ca/~yangzhang/yangzhang/Research_interest.html ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Ring and Module Theory
2. Noncommutative Rings
3. Matrix Theory
4. Hopf Algebra |
Professor Yangming Li
Department of Mathematics, Guangdong University of Education, China
liyangming@gdei.edu.cn ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Group Theory and Generalizations |
Professor Zhang Wenpeng
School of Mathematics, Northwest University, China
wpzhang@nwu.edu.cn ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Elementary Number Theory
2. Analytic Number Theory
3. Combinatorial Number Theory |
Professor Zhixiong Chen
School of Mathematics, Putian University, China
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhixiong-Chen-8 ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Cryptography-Algebraic
2. Pseudorandom Number Generators
3. Pseudorandom Sequences and Pseudorandomness |
Professor Zhongshan Li
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University, USA
https://mathstat.gsu.edu/profile/zhongshan-li/ ________________________________________________
Research Interest
1. Combinatorial Matrix Theory
2. Oriented Matroids
3. Convex Polytopes
4. Algebraic Graph Theory |