Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics
Abstract: We extend a result of [4] to codes over the commutative ring 
�A Gray map between codes over 
�is defined. It is proved that the Gray image of the linear 
-cyclic code over the commutative ring 
�of length n is a distance-invariant quasi-cyclic code of index 
�and the length 
Keywords and phrases: gray map, cyclic codes. |
Number of Downloads: 281 | Number of Views: 960 |
P-ISSN: 0974-1658 |
E-ISSN: 3049-2157 |
Journal Stats
Publication count: 637 |
Citation count (Google Scholar): 1091 |
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h-index (Google Scholar): 16 |
Downloads : 152700 |
Views: 716828 |
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