JP Journal of Geometry and Topology
Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 35 - 52
(March 2004)
Elena Barbieri (Italy) and Fulvia Spaggiari (Italy)
Abstract: We consider orientable closed connected 3-manifolds obtained by Dehn surgery with rational coefficients along the components of certain periodic links. These manifolds were introduced in [Osaka J. Math. 39 (2002), 705-721] as natural generalizations of Takahashi manifolds [Tsukuba J. Math. 13 (1989), 175-189]. In this note, we re-obtain the results of [Osaka J. Math. 39 (2002), 705-721] by a different approach based on a group-theoretic argument from [Tsukuba J. Math. 22 (1998), 723-739; Corrigendum, Tsukuba J. Math 24 (2000), 433-434]. This permits to simplify some proofs of [Osaka J. Math. 39 (2002), 705-721], and to obtain some new related results. |
Keywords and phrases: 3-manifolds, cyclic branched coverings, periodic links and manifolds, Dehn surgery. |
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