Current Development in Oceanography
Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 41 - 59
(March 2013)
A. Akilan, S. Balaji and R. Neelakantan
Abstract: The GPS/GNSS data from the Indian station ‘MAITRI’ along with the selected IGS stations around East Antarctica and Southern Ocean were used to ascertain the regional crustal deformations around these regions. The data were processed using scientific GPS data processing software named Bernese 5.0 version, which estimated the baseline length and the strain rates between Maitri and other stations. The study revealed that the continents viz. Africa and Australia are moving away from Antarctica at the rates of 0.0496±0.0027 m/yr and 0.0157±0.0010 m/yr, respectively, and there is no significant deformation in the East Antarctica. The horizontal shortening between the stations MAIT and MCM4 baseline length is 0.0062±0.0012 m/yr and could be interpreted as elastic rebound motion due to deglaciation across the Antarctica continent. The power spectrum between MAIT to HARB and PARC has less colored noise which supports that the hot spots are influencing migration of plates and it is not in fixed rate which is also supported by the baseline length perturbation between stations YAR2 in Australia and MAIT in Antarctica by the Kerguelen hot spot activities. |
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