Current Development in Oceanography
Volume 4, Issue 1-2, Pages 1 - 27
(March 2012)
Hsin-Hung Chen, Ray-Yeng Yang, Hwung-Hweng Hwung and Yang-Yih Chen
Abstract: There are significant engineering challenges in placing the sea-crossing bridge piers in more or les shallow coastal waters because, as well as having to withstand storm-force waves and tidal currents, the bridge piers have to remain stable on a seabed that may be continuously changing. One of the major challenges faced by designers is how to predict, and prevent, scour of the seabed sediments around the sea-crossing bridge piers. This paper describes a physical model study on scour and scour countermeasure for sea-crossing bridge piers. A 1:49 scale movable bed model tests were carried out in the Near-shore Wave Basin (NSWB, 27m ´ 19m) at the Tainan Hydraulics Laboratory, National Chang Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan, with the sea-crossing bridge piers in the test area. Three series of physical model tests were performed in this study. The aim of the first test series is to investigate the maximum scour depth for the initial construction of bridge piers with only one pier model. Then the second test series were conducted to investigate the greatest magnitude of local scour and potential scour area in the sand bed around the sea-crossing bridge group piers with no scour protection. Based on the analysis from the former NSWB experimental results, the suitable scour countermeasure for sea-crossing bridge piers would be proposed and validated its function of preventing scour in the third test series. Finally, the hydrodynamic loading on sea-crossing bridge pier structure under the combined wave and current effect were investigated in the fixed-bed experiment. |
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