Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets
Volume 5, Isuue 2-3, Pages 165 - 186
(December 2011)
P. Balazs, C. Cabrelli, S. Heineken and U. Molter
Abstract: In this note, we study frame-related properties of a sequence of functions multiplied by another function. In particular, frame and Riesz basis properties are obtained which are applied to the sets of irregular translates of a bandlimited function h in This is achieved by looking at a set of exponentials restricted to a set with frequencies in a countable set L and multiplying it by the Fourier transform of a fixed function Using density results due to Beurling, we prove the existence and give ways to construct frames by irregular translates. |
Keywords and phrases: frames, Riesz bases, irregular translates, irregular sampling. |
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