Current Development in Oceanography
Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 99 - 115
(December 2011)
A. Akilan, S. Balaji, E. C. Malaimani, N. Ravikumar and K. Abilash
Abstract: The plate motion and strain distribution study was carried out to estimate crustal deformation in and around Indian plate and Indian Ocean basin. Episodic GPS (EGPS) measurements were carried out for the first time in Lakshadweep islands, a part of Indian plate from 2007 to 2009. The three islands viz. Chetlat, Kavaratti and Minicoy islands located on Chagos-Laccadive ridge were chosen for the present study. These three Islands are considered representative of the Lakshadweep group of Islands positioned from North to South even though they are non-homogenously distributed. These islands GPS data were processed along with network of twelve IGS stations data for better geometry and the global network solution were chosen for more accurate results. The entire data was processed by Bernese 5.0 software using the ITRF 2005 reference frame. The interpretation of GPS data analysis has revealed that the velocities of Kavaratti island is 0.0400 ± 0.0060 m/yr in North direction and 0.0432 ± 0.0031 m/yr in East direction whereas the velocities of Chetlat island is 0.0353 ± 0.0045 m/yr in North direction and 0.0587 ± 0.0064 m/yr in East direction and Minicoy island is 0.0286 ± 0.0028 mm/yr in North direction and 0.0375 ± 0.0026 m/yr in East direction. Further, the Episodic Global Positioning System (EGPS) measurements carried out at Lakshadweep islands from 2007-2009 have shown that Kavaratti, Chetland and Minicoy islands are moving along with the Indian plate at the rate of 47 to 68 mm/yr with an average velocity of 58 mm/yr in N54°E direction. The strain accumulation between Hyderabad and the other Islands viz. Kavaratti, Chetlat and Minicoy are and , respectively and the same between Kavaratti to Chetlat and Minicoy are and , respectively. There was no significant accumulation in these islands and therefore has less seismic activity. These Islands are moving with Peninsular India as there is no significant deformation as well between these Islands. |
Keywords and phrases: EGPS, crustal deformation, Global Network Solution, Lakshadweep Islands. |
Communicated by Hyo Choi |
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