Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets
Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 219 - 243
(December 2010)
Patrick Fischer
Abstract: This study presents a wavelet-based multifractal approach to describe qualitatively and quantitatively the complex temporal patterns of atmospheric data. Monthly time series of geopotential height provided by the National Center for Environmental Protection (NCEP) and daily Northern Annual Modes (NAM) times series provided by Baldwin are used in this study. The results obtained for the stratosphere and the troposphere show that the series display two different multifractal behaviors. For large time scales (several years) the main Hölder exponent for the stratosphere and the troposphere data are negative indicating the absence of correlations. The negative Hölder exponents imply the presence of strong singularities in the time series. For short time scales (from few days to one year), the stratosphere series present long-range correlations with Hölder exponents larger than 0.5, whereas the troposphere data are still uncorrelated. Obviously, in both cases stratosphere and troposphere, the main Hölder exponents increases when the time range decreases. |
Keywords and phrases: wavelet, multifractal, data analysis. |
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