JP Journal of Solids and Structures
Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 85 - 95
(July 2010)
Kamal Sharma, Vivek Bhasin, I. V. Singh and B. K. Mishra
Abstract: In the present work, the implementation of EFG method for problem of fracture and quasistatic crack growth is described. The method is very versatile for modeling of propagation of cracks, as the number of data changes required is small and easily developed, due to the absence of any predefined element connectivity. Diffraction criterion of smoothing meshless approximation near non-convex boundaries is presented which consists of modifying the nodal domain of influence so that it wraps a short distance around a point of discontinuity, has been used to model crack geometry. Stress intensity factor has been obtained with and without enrichment of displacement field near crack tip using interaction integral approach. Parametric study of SIF for node density, basis function and domain of influence has been done. Lastly, the problem of propagation of multiple, arbitrarily placed crack has been considered. |
Keywords and phrases: meshless method, parametric study, crack. |
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