Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes
Abstract: The
main purpose of this study aims to give general formulas for the positive
solutions of the difference equation system
are positive real numbers. Thus, we
improve the paper in reference [1]. |
Keywords and phrases: difference equation system, positive solutions, periodicity. |
Number of Downloads: 286 | Number of Views: 809 |
P-ISSN: 0974-3243 |
E-ISSN: 3048-734X |
Journal Stats
Publication count: 391 |
Citation count (Google Scholar): 740 |
h10-index (Google Scholar): 20 |
h-index (Google Scholar): 14 |
Downloads : 98109 |
Views: 365290 |
Downloads/publish articles: 250.92 |
Citations (Google Scholar)/publish articles: 1.89 |