Far East Journal of Ocean Research
Volume 1, Issues 2-3, Pages 99 - 126
(December 2007)
Walid Elshorbagy (U.A.E.), Mir Hammadul Azam (Canada), Kisaburo Nakata (Japan) and Tomohiko Terasawa (Japan)
Abstract: A hydrographic survey was conducted to measure the salinity and temperature in the southern shelf of the Arabian Gulf in summer and winter seasons. The data provides salinity and temperature fields that complement the physical data available in other literature. Salinity values as high as 46 ppt were found near the coastal Ruwais site located approximately 230 km west of Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. The coastal areas were found to have maximum temperature in summer while minimum temperatures were reported in winter. The vertical distribution of salinity and temperature fields over longitudinal cross sections in the southern shelf revealed a phenomenon of warm coastal water sinking into the deep seaward water especially in summer. Results of hydrodynamic simulation of the Arabian Gulf incorporating the new survey data in the initial conditions were utilized to explain the sinking phenomena. |
Keywords and phrases: Arabian Gulf, salinity, temperature, density, hydrographic, hydrodynamic modeling. |
Communicated by Hyo Choi |
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