Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics
Abstract: The
neutral delay difference equations of second order with positive and negative
studied, and a sufficient condition for the existence of a nonoscillatory
solution of such an equation is obtained. |
Keywords and phrases: neutral delay difference equation, oscillation, nonoscillatory solution. |
Number of Downloads: 4 | Number of Views: 629 |
P-ISSN: 0972-0960 |
E-ISSN: 3049-2173 |
Journal Stats
Publication count: 1711 |
Citation count (Google Scholar): 3770 |
h10-index (Google Scholar): 89 |
h-index (Google Scholar): 25 |
Downloads : 400817 |
Views: 1597420 |
Downloads/publish articles: 234.26 |
Citations (Google Scholar)/publish articles: 2.2 |