International Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics
Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 1 - 10
(May 2017) |
G. Ragesh, L. Karthikeyan, Kavya Vallabhaneni, R. Kayalvizhi and J. Monisha
Abstract: Pregnancy is associated with physiological changes that result in increased plasma volume and red blood cells and decreased concentration of circulating nutrient-binding protein and micronutrient. In many developing countries, these physiologic changes can be aggravated by under nutrition, leading to micronutrient deficiency states, such as anemia, that can have disastrous consequences for both mother and new-born.
Aim. This study mainly focuses on assessing the utilization pattern of nutraceuticals in pregnant women.
Objectives. Study the pattern of use of nutraceuticals in pregnant women with maternal complications secondary to nutraceutical usage and to assess the knowledge and perception of pregnant women on the nutraceuticals by using a self-assessment questionnaire.
Methodology. It is a cross sectional study conducted in OBG department. Totally 99 pregnant women’s (first, second and third trimester) attending the inpatient ward were included. Details on patient’s nutrition therapy and sociodemographical variable data were collected for assessment.
Results. The tablet form of HS used more in pregnant women compared with all other formulations. Dark stool (28%) and constipation (25%) are the major side effects observed in patient with HS therapy. Totally 21 brand named health supplements were used in 99 patients. Among all the HS tablet Shelcal is most commonly prescribed along with C. Autrin, T. Livogen, T. Folvite and Inj. Encifer. Cost comparisons between the combination therapy show the T. Shelcal and Inj. Encifer to cover the maximum cost in health supplementation therapy. Maximum of the study populations is average in knowledge and attitude towards the HS therapy.
Conclusion. Overall the study concludes that the pharmacist can participate in the administrative management of nutrition support services in their organizations, including the development documentation, implementation, and periodic review of utilization pattern and knowledge improvement related to nutrition support therapy; and the development and the maintenance of an appropriate and cost-effective nutrition support formulary for better patient care. |
Keywords and phrases: health supplement, utilization pattern, knowledge, cost-effective. |
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