Submission of Abstracts of Papers to be presented
The abstracts of papers intended for presentation should reach us (prefered electronically) in not more than two A4 size pages along with a detailed summary of the paper on the following e-mail addresses:
before October 15, 2010. The scientific committee will make the acceptance of the papers for presentation available on our site before October 31, 2010.
1. The abstracts should be written in English. The headline should contain the title of the paper, the surname and the initials of the author(s) and their affiliations with complete postal and e-mail addresses.
2. The text should be typed in MS Word or TEX.
The authors are encouraged to send the complete manuscript of their papers which they desire to present before October 31, 2010. The papers recommended by experts will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference likely to be appear by December 2011.