Abstract: A new approach is evolved to model the dissipation
mechanism of internal waves of the ocean. The simulations were done using
non-hydrostatic analytical model (developed previously in Ibragimov [11]) which
uses linear stratification, the Gurrett-Munk initial oceanic energy
distribution, Boussinesq and rigid lid approximations. The approach is based on
analytical and numerical simulations on stability of wave amplitudes for the
forced two resonant triad process. The forcing was supplied to the model at
lower frequency range and dissipation was allowed in higher frequency bands. The
rate of the energy transfer was studied to make the predictions on the
dissipation rates at different latitudes. As an illustrative example, it is
shown that at certain value of latitude, the total energy of the model forced at
the tidal frequency band changes from the
bounded oscillatory regimes to unbounded ones. It is shown that such energy
behavior is caused by a coalescence of different classes of resonant
interactions. The simulations have been carried out with the goal to understand
how to model dissipation mechanism for internal wave field in the ocean
consisting of arbitrarily large number of resonantly interacting waves.
Keywords and phrases: internal gravity waves, resonant interactions, effects of rotation, dissipation.