JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications
Abstract: A generalization of the usual n-queen problem is investigated. The n-by-n chessboard is regarded as the affine plane
�over the ring
�of integers modulo n. A superqueen at
�is defined to be able to attack another point
�if and only if
�The problem of our main concern is to investigate whether there exists a configuration of n superqueens on
�for any n, none of which attacks each other. |
Keywords and phrases: n-queen problem, quadratic residue, elliptic curves. |
Number of Downloads: 439 | Number of Views: 1254 |
P-ISSN: 0972-5555 |
Journal Stats
Publication count: 1108 |
Citation count (Google Scholar): 2601 |
h10-index (Google Scholar): 70 |
h-index (Google Scholar): 20 |
Downloads : 411646 |
Views: 1744623 |
Downloads/publish articles: 371.52 |
Citations (Google Scholar)/publish articles: 2.35 |