In this paper, we study the effect of teaching and learning mathematics in school through mathematical modeling. A short term training course was organized for students in Higher Secondary Schools. The course was intended to reveal the relevance of mathematics in real-life and understanding the concepts that students learned in their mathematics curriculum. 36 students of Dawrpui School of Science and Technology, Aizawl, Mizoram were selected for the course. It consisted of 12 contact periods (one hour each) and was held in November/December, 2012. Mathematical modeling was introduced to the students for the first time. Some of the models from population dynamics were discussed with the aim of better understanding of mathematical concepts and its real life applications. The experimental design was based on pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire in order to find out whether and in what ways a mathematical modeling experience could influence student’s beliefs and attitudes towards mathematics. It was found that the course was successful in generating more interest and motivating students for learning mathematics.
teaching and learning mathematics, mathematical modeling, mathematics education.