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Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 77 - 94 (June 2010)
Ting-Yu Chen and Chia-Hang Li
In Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM), it is important to properly assess the weight of attributes, because different weight results would often cause entirely different decision results. After the theory of Intuitionistic Fuzzy (IF) sets is applied to solve MADM problems, it causes the decision matrix get more complex and contains more uncertainty, and therefore it is important to make sure of the credibility of data itself. However, there is little investigation on MADM with the credibility of data being explicitly taken into account in the past. In our research, we propose a new informational importance method by using IF entropy measures for MADM under intuitionistic fuzzy environment. We utilize the nature of IF entropy to assess the objective weight of attributes based on the credibility of data, and the concept is totally different with the traditional one. Moreover, there are many IF entropy measures which are originated with different theories. We investigate the differences among those varied measures through the experimental analysis. According to the experiment results, the differences undoubtedly exist among those measures. Even the measures which are all originated from the same theory also contain variation among them. Besides, we also understand the number of attributes and alternatives would influence the degree of difference among those measures. Our method combines with the traditional one to get a better compromise weighting method which contains both advantages of traditional and new methods.
Keywords and phrases:
decision making, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy entropy, informational importance, objective weight, experimental analysis.
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