Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes
Abstract: This
paper presents conditions for existence and uniqueness of solutions for certain nth-order boundary value problem of the form:
(2) |
Keywords and phrases: nonlinear differential equation, five-point boundary value problems, matching. |
Number of Downloads: 285 | Number of Views: 823 |
P-ISSN: 0974-3243 |
E-ISSN: 3048-734X |
Journal Stats
Publication count: 391 |
Citation count (Google Scholar): 732 |
h10-index (Google Scholar): 20 |
h-index (Google Scholar): 13 |
Downloads : 96280 |
Views: 359716 |
Downloads/publish articles: 246.24 |
Citations (Google Scholar)/publish articles: 1.87 |