Keywords and phrases: soil, adobe blocks, fiber, straw, pine needle, thermal conductivity, chemical composition.
Received: April 19, 2021; Accepted: May 20, 2021; Published: June 15, 2021
How to cite this article: S. Nasla, K. Gueraoui, M. Cherraj, A. Samaouali, E. Nchiti, Y. Jamil, O. Arab and K. Bougtaib, An experimental study of the effect ofpine needles and straw fibers on the mechanical behavior and thermal conductivity of adobe earth blocks with chemical analysis, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 23(1) (2021), 35-56. DOI: 10.17654/HM023010035
This Open Access Article is Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License  
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