Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications
This paper describes the architecture of the augmented Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) networks and applications in function of the developed Regional Satellite Augmentation System (RSAS) worldwide. The current infrastructures of the first generation of GNSS-1 applications are represented by old fundamental solutions for Position, Velocity and Time (PVT) of the satellite navigation and determination systems such as the US GPS and Russian (former-USSR) GLONASS military requirements, respectively. In addition, the establishment of Local Satellite Augmentation System (LSAS) and mobile movement guidance and control are also discussed as special infrastructures in airports environments. Currently are developed or are in development stage 7 RSAS in Northern Hemisphere and in Southern Hemisphere is already projected African Satellite Augmentation System (ASAS), designed by Africans for Africa, with coverage of entire African Continent and Middle East for maritime, land (road and rail) and aeronautical applications. Thus, RSAS networks are integration component of the Global Satellite Augmentation System (GSAS) network deploying current and new Satellite Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) for improved traffic control and management in the air and some networks like EGNOS and ASAS will provide additional service at sea and on land for road and rail applications. The GSAS network also enhances safety and emergency systems, transport security and control of transportation freight, logistics and the security of the crew and passengers onboard transport systems.